Is the Golden Age of Social Media Over?


“If every app looks like every other app, where’s the allure? This shift away from uniqueness signals that social media, once a playground for individuality, is now just a playground for profit.” - Relevant


Preserving Our Identity as Makers


“Welsh poet David Jones lamented decades ago the sacrifice of our divinely inspired vocation as artists and makers to machines. The advent of AI threatens to hasten this decline.” - Acton


Should Christian Higher Ed Be Worried About AI?


“When I first read about a large language model called “ChatGPT” from OpenAI, I knew that my life as the dean of the School of Theology at Colorado Christian University had forever changed.” - Word by Word


Redeeming Technology: How Technology Fits into God’s Story


“The Bible provides no chapter-and-verse that directly tells us what to believe about technology. Nonetheless, as we’ll find, the theological concepts that undergird it are woven throughout the Bible’s overarching creation-to-new-creation storyline.” - Word by Word


To Renew Culture, Give Up Control


“social media, newsletters, podcasts, YouTube, and more have given consumers the ability to curate their information sources to their exact ideological preferences. And yet, many people report lower trust in the information they get.” - The Dispatch


Toxic Phones—or a Toxic Culture?


“That is the argument I make in the new edition of my book (October 1) The Collapse of Parenting: namely, that the problems American kids are experiencing are not solely due to smartphones per se, but to an increasingly toxic American youth culture.” - IFS


Discipling in the Digital Age


“we’re not going to put the computer back in Pandora’s box…. the essence of what the Lord is calling us to do, is to understand the effect that these technologies have and then preach the Gospel—the real, embodied, physical, love-your-neighbor, go-to-church Gospel—to each other in a way that helps each other see through this fog.” - Breakpoint


Here’s What Happens When You Explain Artificial Intelligence to U.S. Adults


“Before reading Barna’s explanation of AI, over half of survey respondents (51%) describe AI as ‘concerning.’ After the explanation, this number reduces to 42 percent. Similarly, we see decreases in the number of people who say AI is scary, untrustworthy and disconnecting people” -Barna
