Thoughts from Digital Babylon


“Parents, our kids may not be physical captives in Babylon, but they are captives to whatever is captivating them. And that presents a serious challenge for discipleship.” - Baptist Press


AI: Developing a Christian Perspective


“In his article, ‘Who’s Afraid of AI?,’ Erik Hanson helpfully reminds us to deal biblically with our fears and think objectively and soberly about this technology. We also must be alert to the way technology affects the way we minister.” - P&D


Have You Lost the Ability to Think Deeply?


“Jesus commands us in Mark 12:30, ‘Love the Lord your God … with all your mind’—our minds are connected to our affections. When we limit mindless entertainment and replace it with deeper content and conversations, our relationship with God and others will benefit.” - TGC


Are Humans Using AI to Build a Modern Tower of Babel?


“That ancient desire to be like God is so clearly replicated in today’s artificial intelligence technology that lots of Scripture readers have drawn the link. ‘How Artificial Super-Intelligence Is Today’s Tower of Babel,’ read a headline at Christianity Today. At World, David Bahnsen wrote ‘AI and the Tower of Babel.’” - TGC


How Much Human Oversight of Autonomous Weapons is Necessary?


“Long before James Cameron’s Terminator and Stanley Kubrick’s H.A.L. 9000, there was Prometheus…. The theme of playing God resulting in horrible unintended consequences runs through the Western canon, including the Golem of Jewish mythology…and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” - Providence


American Council of Christian Churches: Resolution on Video Games


“The video game industry especially fosters this by creating addictive virtual worlds, oftentimes filled with occultism, profanity, sensuality, triviality, and lurid violence. Gamers are rewarded for their distractibility, recklessness, greediness, and perversity, and they are encouraged to think of themselves as heroes for conquering fake substitute realities in a short period of time.” - ACCC
