Artificial Intelligence: Tool, Image Bearer, or Temptation?


“Presuppositions….We agree with Jason Thacker that ‘Technology is amoral but acts as a catalyst that expands the opportunities for humanity to pursue. It is not good or evil in itself but can be designed and used for good and evil purposes.’” - Christ Over All


The Problem With AI Is People


“Questions like, ‘What is the truth?’ and ‘Who is actually telling it?’ will become more important than ever as AI technology takes off and is used by unscrupulous people to flood the internet, newsfeeds, and airwaves with misinformation.” - Breakpoint


Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism


“Vermeulen and Van Den Akker described metamodernism as a realization that history isn’t over yet. If that’s true, then there’s still hope for change—which is why the next generation has a zeal for solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.” - Christianity Today


AI in a Free Society


“The choices America makes with respect to AI will reinforce or undermine our commitment to freedom. The techno-panic we see today is in many ways normal, but it is important to make sure that AI isn’t stifled in the early stages.” - Law & Liberty


Mortality, Death, and the Illusion of Control


“Scientific discoveries and medical advancements are gifts of God. And yet… a common side effect has been an inflated sense of control. It’s not difficult to see why so many people remain convinced that death can be defeated with ever newer and more impressive technologies.” - Breakpoint


How Digital Apps Are Changing How We Read the Bible


“unlike the move from scrolls to the codex and the codex to the printing press, Bible apps aren’t replacing printed Bibles. Instead, my survey data indicates that most people use a mix of print and digital media” - Text & Canon
