Membership Vs. Attendance: which greater?

Poll Results

Membership Vs. Attendance: which greater?

My church averages MORE in Sunday attendance than our membership count. Votes: 16
Our church membership is larger than our average Sunday attendance. Votes: 2
Our membership and Sunday attendance numbers are similar. Votes: 4
Our church does not have a membership roll. Votes: 1
Other Votes: 1


Which Gospel do you THINK was written first?

Poll Results

Which Gospel do you THINK was written first?

Matthew Votes: 10
Mark Votes: 9
Luke Votes: 0
John Votes: 1
A lost source (Q) Votes: 0
No way to even make a guess Votes: 4
Other Votes: 0


Will the Obama Care laws requiring everyone to have health insurance affect you in the near future?

Poll Results

Will the Obama Care laws requiring everyone to have health insurance affect you in the near future?

No, not directly; I am already insured or on Medicare Votes: 10
No, I am part of a cost sharing network and covered Votes: 4
Unsure Votes: 2
Yes, I will have to purchase insurance Votes: 5
Other Votes: 4
I am not affected by this law: I am an expatriate or not an American citizen Votes: 1


Is Attention Deficit Disorder /Hyperactivity rising significantly?

Poll Results

Is Attention Deficit Disorder /Hyperactivity rising significantly?

Yes, clearly so Votes: 1
Yes, but it is over-diagnosed Votes: 5
Somewhat but not as bad as suggested Votes: 1
No, it has always been bad (but undiagnosed in past) Votes: 0
No, they are going wild with their diagnoses Votes: 8
Other Votes: 2


What is your view on forgiving others (in the full sense)?

Poll Results

What is your view on forgiving others (in the full sense)?

Conditional: If another sins and expresses repentance, God demands I forgive Votes: 8
Unconditional: I forgive whether the other person repents or not Votes: 10
Other Votes: 1


Does Isaiah 53:10-11 prophesy the resurrection of Jesus?

Poll Results

Does Isaiah 53:10-11 prophesy the resurrection of Jesus?

Yes, and I side with the Dead Sea Scroll version Votes: 2
Yes, even in the Masoretic Text Votes: 0
Probably or maybe Votes: 1
Unsure Votes: 0
No or probably not Votes: 0
Other Votes: 0


What year was Jesus crucified and resurrected?

Poll Results

What year was Jesus crucified and resurrected?

33 AD Votes: 6
30 AD Votes: 1
31 or 32 AD Votes: 0
Before 30 AD Votes: 3
After 33 AD Votes: 0
No way to know or I have no opinion Votes: 2
Other Votes: 0


Do you typically sing out of a hymnal during your Sunday morning service/meeting? (If more than one service, please average)

Poll Results

Do you typically sing out of a hymnal during your Sunday morning service/meeting? (If more than one service, please average)

Yes, exclusively or almost exclusively Votes: 11
Somewhat but not exclusively or in combinations with projections or song sheets Votes: 8
Not mostly, but sometimes (we have them in our pews/seats) Votes: 0
Never or rarely Votes: 10
Other Votes: 0
