Does your church or circle emphasize our enemies to the right degree?

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Poll Results

Does your church or circle emphasize our enemies to the right degree?

Yes, we are at least close to what I believe is the right balance. Votes: 7
No, we do not emphasize our enemy the WORLD (culture) enough Votes: 0
No, we do not emphasize our enemy the FLESH (sinful nature) enough Votes: 0
No, we do not emphasize our enemy the DEVIL enough Votes: 0
No, we do not emphasize the WORLD and the DEVIL enough Votes: 0
We emphasize one or more of the three TOO much (comment) Votes: 1
Unsure and/or confused about the right balance Votes: 1
We are too paraonoid and need to stop reacting to the enemy(ies) as we do Votes: 1
Other Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


Most of us know some people who assign all ill to Satan. Other Christians live as though Satan did not exist. When it comes to the world (culture), the garbage hits the fan even more. Many of us on SI, I suspect, have a proper respect for our sinful nature. What are your thoughts on the right balance in teaching and warning about our enemies? I would like to hear what you think and why.

"The Midrash Detective"

I believe as we are teaching/preaching through books of the Bible we are confronted with the reality of real enemies to our faith and faithfulness.

I would say that my church emphasizes the threat of the world too much. I am not even sure if that is the correct way to define the problem. Maybe a better way to say it would be that it defines the world incorrectly sometimes. It includes things as “worldly” that I am not sure are.