Cosmos Host: ‘Enlightened Religious People’ Don’t Use ‘Bible as a Textbook’

Such a tired cliche. I always want to ask them what exactly they mean by that (at least he says “for science”). Usually it amounts to circular reasoning:

  • Enligthened = you don’t use Bible as textbook
  • Not using Bible as textbook = you select parts to believe and other parts to reject.
  • The parts of the Bible to accept or reject = the ones enlightened people accept and reject

So it amounts to “you’re enlightened if you agree with all the people who recognize eachother as enlightened” … ad populum

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.


I agree. The argument is that Science is the key practice that overrides philosophy and religion. It does this because very learned men create a consensus around things that can be measured. Therefore everything else is subservient to Science. They are so tied to the “facts” and “collectedness of science” that they can’t see real truth. Which is what Romans speaks to.