Voyle Glover's review of Linda (Hyles) Murphrey's "Healing from a God Who Wasn't"
Nor should it be. He’s close to the situation and has suffered himself.
But I think it is an honest testimony, and one that the Hyles side needs to consider (and answer) in a meaningful way.
[Alex Guggenheim] The opportunity for a thorough and beneficial review was missed by Glover. He spent far too much of the good will of his readers going after anticipated critics of Linda Murphrey with overkill, almost as if he turned the review into a platform to give Jack Hyles sycophants another beating. It detracted, in my view, from the book review. She isn’t talking to them. It is an important story and process which needs discussion away from the consideration of the kind of critics Glover described. I am looking forward to listening through the book to what she has to say.
I have to agree with Alex on this one. I downloaded it and read it last night and then read Glover’s review. It was a diatribe against Hyles and his worshipers more than a book review. However, I can’t expect a man who has personally seen the carnage of Hyles’ ministry to stoically review it with an emotionally detached disposition.
As I read Mr. Glover’s review, I have to agree with Alex. I thought the same thing. He got caught up in the emotion of the thing. But I can’t blame him. Linda truly does vindicate what Voyle Glover said, what Robert Sumner said, what so many have said about this issue. These men have paid a price, and it must be very emotional for them.
What stood out to me above all was Mr. Glover’s desire for the Hyles supporters to give Linda a fair hearing. Is it a bit overzealous? Perhaps. But the Hyles side tends to need a sledgehammer to get their attention sometimes. They cannot continue to ignore the facts concerning their hero of the faith.
Jack Hyles continues to be adored around the country. As Linda writes, there can be no excuse for sustaining this adulation. It is time for the leadership of First Baptist Church of Hammond to clear themselves of this matter. Even now, Fundamentalist mega-Pastors are openly claiming that this church is and has been a great church, a pillar of Fundamentalism (as I read in the Sword of the Lord).
Not if they continue to praise Jack Hyles and ignore the truth about him.
Dave Mallinak, Berean Baptist Church
"In truth, there are only two kinds of people; those who accept dogma and know it, and those who accept dogma and don't kn