John MacArthur Predicts Reversal of the Reformed Revival

My husband and I just returned on Labor day from the Truth Matters conference held last week at Grace Community Church, so I heard in person much of what he said on the videos. He spent both Saturday morning sessions discussing that topic. I appreciated the further elaboration on this video about the cultural trends of the new Reformed people. Based on what I heard from the pulpit (and I’m no theologian, just a laywoman) JM appeared to be about 60% Reformed and 40% not. He made it clear that you’d better come to grips with the fact that you’ll never come to grips with the predestination/free will argument, and that the whole dilemma points to the greatness of God, because He can understand what we can’t.

We thoroughly enjoyed hearing MacArthur preach seven times (Phil Johnson and Don Green each once), as well as a question/answer session with Phil Johnson very similar to the video link here. We went to the conference for this reason.