The “Active Obedience of Christ”: An Intrusion into Baptist Life?

“Occasionally, some well-meaning Baptists have asserted that belief in both the active and passive obedience of Christ as the ground of our justification is something foreign to Baptist life… is this understanding of the active obedience of Christ something new to Baptist life or is it rather something that many Baptists have affirmed from the early decades of Baptist history?” - DBTS Blog(link is external)


I'm not sure what DBTS is reacting to in these recent defenses of the imputation of the active obedience of Christ, but this article and the podcast with Dr. Snoeberger seem pretty light on actual arguments in favor of this doctrine. Is it really controversial to say that many Baptists have historically affirmed this teaching?

The Faith Pulpit article by Myron Houghton that is linked in the opening paragraph doesn't make the argument which this author insinuates, namely, that this active obedience doctrine is derived from TGC or T4G, or that it is of recent vintage. Houghton argues that the doctrine is not taught in Scripture, a much more meaningful argument, imo.

@pvawter, I agree that it was strange to see a 2024 article responding to a 2012 article. Is this issue still a live issue?

That said, the original 2012 article does say...

Many Bible-believing Baptists today are influenced by groups which identify themselves as centered on the gospel but in reality are teaching a Reformed view that the imputed righteousness of Christ is the result of His active obedience to the law.


Two well-known organizations today hold the view that the active obedience of Christ was part of His substitutionary atonement [T4G / TGC].

The article contrasts Bible-believing Baptists and Reformed theology.

I was a member of a GARBC church for 8 years. By and large, the GARBC has its head screwed on straight and does good work. But occasionally I would have to roll my eyes at some leaders' apparent historical amnesia with respect to Reformed Baptist theology, as if the London Baptist Confessions never happened. Less informed people in the pews were left thinking that you were Baptist or Reformed.

@pvawter, you ask,

Is it really controversial to say that many Baptists have historically affirmed this teaching?

It shouldn't be, but I did have a retired minister furious with me once for reminding a Sunday school class that many conservative, Bible-believing Baptists have been amillennialists. There are pockets within the GARBC where this isn't acknowledged much.

To the substance of the active obedience of Christ: I was left scratching my head at the Houghton article: how was he affirming the imputed righteousness of Christ without some concept of active obedience...until I found the answer in his point 6, that it is the inherent righteousness of Christ-as-God, and not the obedient righteousness of Christ-as-man. OK....hmmm....

Michael Osborne
Philadelphia, PA

You're right that the Houghton article says that Baptists are influenced by these groups. I guess I read the DBTS article as suggesting that Houghton believed the doctrine to be of recent vintage among Baptists.

As far as the DBTS view, I don't find it compelling. I just read McCune's treatment of the doctrine in his systematic, and his attempt to defend it w/o appealing to the Reformed covenant of works is weak, imo. Same with Bauder's brief statement. I tend to agree with Houghton.

Am yet ruminating on what to make of this doctrine of the imputation of the righteousness derived from the active obedience of Christ, but DBTS may have been getting into this again because IFCA did a podcast at the beginning of September with a pastor who was pushing back against the doctrine—in the context of MacArthur's church having recently adopted such—claiming that the doctrine misapplies the law, minimizes the cross, and misinterprets Scripture. is external)…(link is external).

It’s rather plain vanilla, standard theology for many Baptists to believe in the active obedience of Christ. I always took opposition to it (which, in my experience, has come from the FBBC orbit) as a quirk of their particular flavor of dispensationalism. I am persuaded that Christ’s active obedience is essential.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

I am persuaded that Christ’s active obedience is essential.

I think it's worth making the distinction between the active obedience of Christ and the imputation of the active obedience of Christ. I'm not aware of anyone who says that Jesus did not keep the law. The argument is over whether it is his law keeping which is imputed to believers as opposed to his inherent divine righteousness.

I believe his righteousness is imputed, but this righteousness consists of his faithful, loving obedience to the law because of his love for the Father—all of which is vicarious for his people

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

Again, I don't think imputation itself is controversial. It's a question of what exactly is imputed and why? From my perspective, the only argument in favor of the imputation of Christ's active obedience is the theological covenant of works in the garden of Eden. This is why I can't really understand why dispensationalists would affirm it, other than maybe those who hold to the Scofield view of an Edenic or Adamic covenant (which I believe is a holdover from Scofield's Presbyterianism).

Romans 5:19, " by one man's obedience the many will be made righteous."

Either this obedience is his passive obedience in dying on the cross, or his active obedience throughout his life, or it's both. Without both, no one could be imputed with any righteousness. And if it is Christ's righteousness that is imputed to us, how could that not entail all of it being imputed to us?

Since righteousness before Christ came by faith in God (acted out by Abraham through his obedience to God and by OT Jews through their obedience to the law), why would someone need the imputation of a form of righteousness derived from obeying the law (i.e., that derived from Christ's "active obedience" to the law)? Especially, since we Gentiles have never been obligated to the law? Christ had divine righteousness before he came to earth. Isn't this the better righteousness to have imputed? (This, in addition to his vicarious atonement.)

Again, I've never waded into this before, so haven't specifically worked through Scripture on the topic, but does this doctrine make sense outside of a replacement theology framework?

Either this obedience is his passive obedience in dying on the cross, or his active obedience throughout his life, or it's both. Without both, no one could be imputed with any righteousness.

The previous verse says that it is by one act of righteousness that justification came to all men, which I take to be his substitutionary death. I personally don't see how this specific text can be made to fit the imputation of the active obedience of Christ view.

If the righteousness we receive when justified is the righteousness of Christ, how do we not get all of it? or why would we not get all of it?

When Philippians says, "obedient unto death, even the death of the cross", does this not imply obedience all through his life, culminating in the ultimate test of his obedience, going in innocence to the cross? Isn't that the same idea in Romans 5:18-19? Jesus's one act of righteousness in vs 18 is the culmination of a life of righteousness, and because of his obedience all through life, many will be made righteous.

How much righteousness did Christ's 30+ years of law keeping add to his innate righteousness? If he had become incarnate and died immediately (I'm not trying to invent a new Christology here, just thinking out loud), would the righteousness we obtain be any less? I don't think so, and that's why I don't see the Scripture saying anything about Christ's law keeping being imputed.