The “God Bless the USA Bible” should never have been made
“How unfortunate it is, then, for former President Trump during Holy Week to get on X and hawk the ‘God Bless the USA Bible.’ It markets itself as the ‘only Bible endorsed by President Trump!’” - World
Well, for those here who voted for this disgrace of a man, what are your excuses now?
"He's better than Biden."
It won’t matter. 75% of evangelicals are strongly supportive of Trump. I am convinced there is nothing Trump can do that will shake white evangelicals. He has all but claimed he is Christ and it has absolutely no affect.
Those people! He can even recommend people buy a bible and go to church and they still like him. It’s ridiculous.
Has pandering ever been more obvious? If he’d said “Hey, everybody, go buy a Bible. Any Bible” it would still be transparent pandering, but this is not event that. It’s “Buy my Trump branded Bible because I want you to keep identifying me personally as the defender of your faith.”
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
I've got my popcorn read to watch those - who staunchly defended the "He Gets Us" campaign because it might get someone to start thinking/asking questions about Jesus and what he did - decry the "Trump" Bible.
Note: Both deserve criticism.
Those people! He can even recommend people buy a bible and go to church and they still like him. It’s ridiculous.
So you're fine with a Bible that affirms or leads conservatives to think that the US founding documents are an extension of Bible? According the Pew Research Center, 72% of Republican Mormons, 56.3% of Republican Orthodox, 48.3% of Republican evangelical Protestants, and 28% of Republican Catholics and non-evangelical Protestants believe that “The U.S. Constitution was inspired by God and reflects God’s vision for America.” Not surprising with Mormons because its such an inherent part of their historical heresy/beliefs. But unfortunately, the charismatic/pentecostal influence of fake Christian historian David Barton of WallBuilders on evangelicals cannot be overstated.
People Like Michael Flynn (a national security advisor in the Trump Administration) have paraphrased Barton in their interviews.
“About 75% to 80% of the Constitution was created, and I use that word specifically, by the Bible itself. … The Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments are the promises that we make to each other. When you really dig in and you list and you read the Bill of Rights and you list and read the Ten Commandments, those are promises that we make. And then the fulfillment of those promises are the Constitution and the Bible. That’s how we get fulfillment of those promises.”
As good of a document that the Constitution is, it's a document that also reflects the fallenness of our democratic republic, such as the 3/5th compromise in article 1, section 2, clause 3.
Also, it goes more than just Trump recommending a Bible. Trump gets a cut from it because Greenwood is using Trump's name, image and likeness through CIC Ventures LLC, Trump's name, image and likeness business. uses Donald J. Trump’s name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms.
I am fine with him telling people to go to church and buy a Bible. I am against, telling people to buy his Bible, so that he can get a percentage of the profits to help him defend his lawsuits or to have more fixtures in his opulent properties to be coated in 24k gold. Add on top of it a bible that puts American legal documents into the bible to somehow places it into a religious realm.
When Trump refers to God, the Bible, and Christianity, they are nothing more than political props to help Trump achieve his presidential ambitions. This is what it means to take God's name in vain. I hope Christians will someday realize that.
It is also the sign of a false prophet. In the last days there will come false prophets that if it is possible they would be able to deceive the elect. The church continues to be decieved by this false prophet. He holds up a Bible, he speaks prayers, but they are not the same gospel given to us from Christ or the apostles. He uses Bible verses and videos proclaiming him to be like Christ. But he seeks his own glory. He preaches a gospel in which he will save this country, and he stands in pulpits saying that he will save the persecution of the church. He seeks money and his glory.
It strikes me that when prominent pastors put their name on a study Bible, they are doing to a degree what Trump is doing. Now yes, what Trump's done is more objectionable because his character is obviously shadier, but it does seem as if we're simply reaping what we've sown.
On a side note, I vividly remember how shocked I was with myself when I realized that my eye was drawn more to the "study notes" of my study Bible than to the actual text. I'm not against those notes totally, but there is something sobering when those notes are more prominent to the eye than the actual text.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
It strikes me that when prominent pastors put their name on a study Bible, they are doing to a degree what Trump is doing. Now yes, what Trump's done is more objectionable because his character is obviously shadier, but it does seem as if we're simply reaping what we've sown.
On a side note, I vividly remember how shocked I was with myself when I realized that my eye was drawn more to the "study notes" of my study Bible than to the actual text. I'm not against those notes totally, but there is something sobering when those notes are more prominent to the eye than the actual text.
Ironically, I spent a great deal of time on the CBD site this week looking at different Bible options (had not even heard about what Trump was doing with Bibles until yesterday and would not have considered his anyway). We are planning to order a number of Bibles to give away and I did not want to give away Bibles that were promoting a specific preacher or other person besides Jesus Christ. At the same time, I wanted there to be some notes so that if a new believer or an unbeliever were able to find this Bible then they would have some guidance to truth. The ESV Systematic Study Bible seemed to be a good fit to what I was looking for and they are not real expensive for ordering a number of copies.
As long as the extra notes are understood to be a supplement and not part of the Bible, they are a great tool. Sadly, though, I have met a number of unchurched people who did not understand the difference between the original text and the notes.
I think it would be a great idea to sell a Bible, a copy of the Constitution, and a copy of the Declaration of Independence togther as 3 separate documents for one price. I have no problem with selling them as a package deal, since many people appreciate all 3 of them, but it is important that all understand that they are distinct documents with only the Bible being the word of God.