262 organizations recognized for excellence as Certified Best Christian Workplaces in 2023
“The following organizations are honored as Certified Best Christian Workplaces in 2023. Visit the Best Christian Workplaces Certification Page at workplaces.org for search and filter options.” - RNS
I clicked the link above to read about the Best Christian Workplaces in 2023 and instead found an article about some fringe religious groups and who they were promoting for president. I'm assuming the wrong link was posted by mistake.
I did a search and found this: 262 Organizations Recognized for Excellence as Certified Best Christian Workplaces in 2023
I was curious if Chick Filet was on the list. We really enjoy their food, but it doesn't look like it made the list.
OK, the link should be fixed now.
Dave Barnhart
Basically this is a marketing list by an Employee Engagement Company that is focused in the Christian space. These companies pay them to perform an Employee Engagement Survey with their teams and if they score 4.0 or higher they get on this list. This isn't a holistic list, but just the list of their customers. They get this onto RNS for a marketing avenue.