Defining Success in My 9-to-5 Job


“God doesn’t need our work. That’s not the point. Paul gave us these instructions because this will bring the greatest joy to us when we work this way” - John Piper


Going to Work in a Genesis 3 World


“After the fall, outside the garden, work is not a pretty picture. Yet that’s the context in which we all work today. Every fallen weakness described above is present in every workplace every day.” - Common Good


What to Do When You’ve Got a Mean Boss


“No matter where you work, fallenness is all around you. Other peoples’ unkindness, though, does not negate our call to live at peace with them, and is certainly not a reason to visit their unkindness right back to them (Rom 12:17-18, 21).” - Common Good


How to Deal With the Whiners at Work


“Whiners focus on the negative and thrive on complaining – often about the most insignificant things you can imagine…. If you’re a leader, you can confront them, but it’s much more difficult if you’re a co-worker.” - Phil Cooke
