The Value of Training in Biblical Counseling
By Brad Brandt
Thirty-three years ago, the Lord privileged me to become the pastor of Wheelersburg Baptist Church, in Appalachian southern Ohio, where I presently serve. At the time, the church was 109 years old. I was 26 and had just finished four years of Bible college and another four years of seminary. I believed the Bible was the inerrant, infallible, trustworthy Word of God. I was committed to preaching it, making disciples by it, and equipping this precious congregation to live by it.
Then it started. People began opening up to me, saying things like, “Pastor, we’re having marriage problems.” And “Pastor, I’ve been told I’m bipolar.” And “Pastor, they say our child has ADHD, and we’re overwhelmed.” Then came the question, “Pastor, can you help us?”
I responded by listening, praying with them, expressing my concern and support, reading a Scripture or two, but that was about it. I sensed they needed more, but I didn’t know how to provide it.
Consequently, I saw a couple of things happen. First, some of the strugglers went outside the church for help. Unfortunately, though well-meaning I’m sure, this “professional” help typically didn’t increase the hurting person’s confidence in Christ, His Word, and His church. In fact, at times it undermined this confidence. A second outcome I observed was that some hurting people continued to limp along in isolation, receiving little or no help, convinced that no help was available.
Recognizing the Need
After seven years of pastoring this way, I knew something needed to change. I needed to change. The Lord had called me to shepherd His flock, and I wasn’t doing it. Frankly, I didn’t know how to do it.
But it was more personal than that. I didn’t know how to deal with problems in my own life. I would walk through the door into my home in the evening, and my wife would ask, “How was your day?” My standard answer was, “Fine, dear. It was fine.” It didn’t matter if I’d been putting out church fires all day. Everything was always fine. I thought that’s what the good Christian response was. Just be positive. Don’t get angry. Things will work out. But they didn’t.
Please don’t misunderstand. New people were coming. The giving was good. The church was growing. We had programs and activities for all ages, with lots of people serving. But something seemed amiss. In reality, a storm was brewing.
Twelve Long, Valuable Mondays
About 26 years ago, in God’s incredible kindness, I heard about and signed up for a 12-week course in Biblical counseling hosted by Clearcreek Chapel near Dayton, Ohio. It was there I learned from three pastors what the Bible says about the real problems my people were experiencing, that I was experiencing. That was a tough stretch, leaving the house at 6 a.m., listening to lectures in the morning, doing case studies in the afternoon, observing Biblical counselors in action in the evening, and then driving home, pulling in the driveway somewhere between 9 and 11 p.m. It was tough … and life-changing.
A pastor friend of mine recently said, “I wouldn’t be in the ministry today if it hadn’t been for Biblical counseling training.” I agree. That practical course opened my eyes to the reality that God’s Word is not only inerrant and authoritative, it is sufficient to deal with the complex challenges hurting people are facing.
The training produced a series of changes, starting with me and my family. I learned from God’s Word how I could, instead of clamming up, deal with problems God’s way. I learned there is no such thing as a problem-free life or family or church and that God’s kind of life, family, and church is one that deals with its problems His way. He shows us what His way is in the Book.
Next it began to change the church. I began a Sunday evening series, “Biblical Answers for the Problems of Life.” We learned together what the Bible says about marriage, parenting, fear, worry, depression, and much more. I also began to do Biblical counseling with people in the church and community, and I went through the rigorous yet valuable process of becoming certified with what is now the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
Good things were happening, but not everyone was pleased. In 1998 our church went through a firestorm; by the time the flames subsided, we had lost one-third of our members. There were many contributing factors (differences over doctrine, music, methodology, etc.), but at the root it had to do with a vital clarifying question.
The Clarifying Question
We had to ask ourselves, Are we going to be a truly Biblical church? Specifically, Do we believe that the Bible is sufficient? Will we deal with our problems by heeding this Book God has given us? When we have conflict, will we lay aside our Baptist-subculture expectations and affirm that this Book is the key to life and godliness?
It was so painful; and, frankly, in a very real sense it still is. We looked like a severely pruned tree after the departures finally stopped. But as is the case with a pruned tree, we were now ready for a remarkable season of fruit-bearing that not one of us could have anticipated.
Twenty years ago, as a church we realized that God had given us something we could not keep to ourselves. So we began our first year of training in Biblical counseling. About 50 people from nine area churches were in that first class. The next year we offered a second track. The following year we began offering an advanced track, as well as continuing our fundamentals track. Eventually others in our church family began counseling and teaching. We started going on the road to do training in other places, even overseas.
I don’t even know the numbers for sure, for they don’t really matter—a lesson the Lord has been teaching me for three decades. Many hundreds of people from mostly small churches in the region of southern Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia have participated in our courses. Ministry is all about God’s glory, and His glory is manifest when He works through weak vessels like us to accomplish His eternally significant plan to transform hurting sinners into His Son’s likeness. Our counseling team has been offering free counseling to our Tri-State region for 20 years now. Dozens of people every year are finding hope from the Scriptures. Marriages are being restored. People struggling with depression, fears, and anxieties are learning to experience the joy of Christlikeness in their struggles. And for this we say, to God be the glory!
Acts 20:20 Ministry
In the twenty-first century, we need Acts 20:20 ministries. So, pastor friend, I commend to you the value of a 20:20 ministry, the kind of Word-centered ministry the apostle Paul described in Acts 20:20, “I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house” (NIV). There is a need, says Paul, for the ministry of the Word on two fronts. There’s the public ministry of the Word (preaching). But there’s also the private, house-to-house ministry of the Word, which is what Biblical counseling is all about. When we preach, we take the Word to people. When we counsel, we take people to the Word.
Training in Biblical counseling is worth the effort. If you have never received such training, I urge you to consider it. Check out to find the ACBC training center closest to you. Take a course and pursue certification. Encourage others in the congregation to do the same. You won’t regret it.
Reposted with permission from Baptist Bulletin © Regular Baptist Press, all rights reserved.
Brad Brandt (DMin, Grace Seminary) is pastor of Wheelersburg (Ohio) Baptist Church. He is a certified Biblical counselor and fellow with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. He and his wife, Sherry, have served Wheelersburg Baptist Church since 1987.
My wife is a professional counselor as a licensed therapist (with an emphasis on Trauma) in Grand Rapids. She got her undergrad at Moody and then her MA in counseling at Grand Rapid Theological Seminary (GRTS). The state of Michigan requires the completion of a 48 semester hour degree in counseling but at GRTS it is 72. Every counselor also graduates with 24 hours of required Bible/Theology classes. Therefore, she is well-schooled in the different counseling methods the DSM-5, and etc…but also has a solid Biblical foundation that informs her counseling.
There are many so called “Christian” Counselors that speak of integrating psychology and Scripture but do a lousy job with it. We had a couple leave our church because the husband said that the elders of the church were always pointed people to the gospel for all of life. He said he didn’t want “pat” answers. We weren’t giving him pat answers, but he wanted all of us only listen to him. We patiently did for awhile, but then when we would gently point him to the gospel and the scriptures (which we felt was our duty as pastors) he pushed back against us and told us that the gospel and the scriptures couldn’t help him. He was struggling with some issues in his past that he felt was trauma and he went to a “Christian” counselor. But it seemed to make him more angry and bitter. If your counseling is directly or indirectly contributing to the acts of the flesh rather than the fruits of the spirit, then its not really Christian counseling. My wife not only points people to Christ, but also the local church. Right now with COVID so many of her clients haven’t gone to church in almost a year. Without the person-to-person connections, the isolation they feel is overwhelming them leading to depression, anxiety, and etc.. She constantly stresses involvement in a Bible-believing local church as part of their homework assignments (or whatever she calls them).
One of the recent sad aspects of my wife’s job is the increased numbers of physical, emotional, sexual abuse situations with her clients over the past 9 months. Of course correlation doesn’t automatically mean causation, but COVID definitely hasn’t helped.
There’s “sort of” Biblical Counseling, and then there’s true Biblical Counseling. I am thankful to have had a solid course on Biblical counseling during my Master’s program. Since then, I’ve been to umpteen training seminars from a few hours to several days. They were all helpful. I have benefited from several of Jay Adams books, but have been helped by others as well. I’ve seen Christians attend a couple of seminars and think they are now experts. Some of them do more harm than good. Others understand the foundational principles fairly quickly and do a good job.
Like so many areas of ministry, the degree of competence depends upon the level of spiritual maturity. Solid believers usually become competent counselors. Christians with unresolved problems carry their own problems into counseling endeavors, and often create additional problems. The Bible truly contains everything necessary for successful counseling, but levels of Biblical competence vary widely.
I think Jay Adams has a valid point when he says that all mature Christians who know how to use the Bible can become competent counselors. How blessed is the church who has a good number of such individuals. In our church, all three pastors counsel, along with a number of church members. Even so, not every counselee finds help. Some are unwilling to apply God’s Word to their lives. They want to emote, and then continue as before. Nobody can help people like that.
We believe that people need to be regularly under a solid pulpit ministry to benefit significantly from counseling. In truth, many problems will be resolved over time by a steady of diet of solid preaching, along with regular fellowship in a healthy local church. People may resist that formula as too simplistic, but it is true never-the-less. A lot of effective Biblical counseling is done by solid Biblical preaching with appropriate applications.
G. N. Barkman