Dr. Matthew Davis Announced as New Chief Executive Officer of Maranatha Baptist Univ.
“Dr. Marriott explained that his current position – combining both roles of president and CEO – would now be divided into two positions. As president, his primary focus will be providing spiritual leadership, promoting the university, and overseeing chapel. As CEO, Dr. Davis will oversee the complexity of the day-to-day workings of the school including academics, accreditation, and general decision making.” - MBU Blog
There must be some mistake. You don’t give a Gen-Xer the position of CEO. You pass him over in favor of an up and coming millennial. This is totally backward! Lol
Congrats to Dr. Davis and MBU. He has served the school well during his tenure as executive VP, and I trust he will be a big help to Dr. Marriott going forward.