LGBTQ Opposition to Samaritan’s Purse Central Park field hospital grows
April 14, “a group of LGBTQ activists stood several yards away from the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital on the East Meadow lawn and blasted city and state officials and Mount Sinai Hospital for partnering with the evangelical humanitarian relief organization treating overflow patients suffering from the coronavirus.” - RNS
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Samaritan’s Purse is one of the greatest Christian ministries of today. May God protect them from the leftist, politically correct crowd.
David R. Brumbelow
The blindness and hatred of this group toward the completely selfless, sacrificial efforts of a Christian organization is truly stunning!
Now you know what the hatred of the political left is really like. Leftism is way beyond liberalism.
Pastor Mike Harding
From the way they’re arguing, apparently it would be a bad thing in their minds if people are restored to health by this ministry, perhaps even if the people restored to health were themselves homosexual. Let’s just say I don’t completely follow their logic.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
I guess it comes down to the question of whether Samaritan’s Purse is going to need outside volunteers, no? In a case of dire need, I can’t see them saying “well, we’re going to let ten people die because we don’t want a homosexual to come inside”, but that said, my understanding was that they were pretty much fully staffed when they arrived.
To that question, it’s worth noting that their detractors are not phrasing the question that way at all—it’s more “you’re not in line with our moral view of the universe, so get out!”, and we might suggest that it would be good for other faith-based medical providers to point out to these fine protesters that they’ve been getting care from such “bigots” all their lives.
And in light of that, I’m falling back on what I said earlier. It is as if they’re willing to let their own friends die so that Samaritan’s Purse doesn’t get any credit for keeping them alive. That’s a “wow” moment.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.