5 Books You Should Read on Christianity and Politics

“In every era and cultural context, Christians have wrestled with how best to represent Christ in the realm of politics and public life. Our own 21st-century American moment is no exception.” - TGC


As a two kingdom guy, I can highly recommend the books and articles of David VanDrunen.

Both City of God and Confessions are on my reading list for the second half of next year.

Looking forward to reading how Augustine allegorizes the OT. :(

Os Guinness The Global Public Square. Got City of God in the mail yesterday. Bettenson’s translation for Penguin. Light years better than the public domain translations from the 19th century.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

[TylerR] Got City of God in the mail yesterday. Bettenson’s translation for Penguin. Light years better than the public domain translations from the 19th century.

Is that translation based on formal or dynamic equivalence? :)

I smile, but this year I’ve been reading through ancient Greek authors (i.e. Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Herodotus, and Thucydides). I’ve been fascinated by the translation approach taken by the translators of the editions I’ve read. The edition of Hesiod I read was so terrible (e.g. tried too hard to translate Greek poetic meter into sing-songy English poetry), that I put it down and bought another edition.

I suspect it’s good. Penguin Classics does a good job. I have the Confessions edition translated by Pine-Coffin (yes, its his real name), and it’s the best out there. The public domain stuff is just … bad. I have Seutonius’ Twelve Caesars from Penguin, and it’s also very readable.

Henry Bettenson is the guy who compiled some of the early church reader anthologies you might have been assigned at seminary.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

I have the Chadwick translation of Augustine’s Confessions. I haven’t read it yet, but when I get to Augustine in my reading, I’ll read that edition and check out Penguin’s City of God.