Francis Chan Explains Why He’ll Share a Stage With Benny Hinn

“There are millions who will never hear strong biblical teaching unless teachers are willing to go.” - Christianity Today(link is external)


Following this logic, the apostle Peter was wrong to rebuke Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8, and instead should have just taken his money for the advance of the kingdom, even though he might not agree with all of the sorcerer’s methods.

Isn’t this somewhat similar to Billy Graham’s justification for aspects of his ministry? if so, then Chan is simply applying the same principle to his ministry. Evangelicals will have a hard time criticizing Chan without some allusion (even if subtle) to separation principles.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN


Evangelicals will have a hard time criticizing Chan without some allusion (even if subtle) to separation principles.

It has been interesting for me to see a number of evangelicals who have been publicly critical of fundamentalists over the issue of “secondary” separation now arguing that Chan has crossed a major line. It’s almost as if they’re unaware of the history of the fundamentalist-new evangelical split. :-)