Francis Chan isn't sure what he believes about transubstantiation


“Chan said it struck him as “almost silly” and even “heretical” to take this view of communion. However, at the urging of his friends and fellow ministry leaders, Hank Hanegraaff and K.P. Yohannan, Chan says he decided to study early church history to discover what they believed about communion, or the Eucharist.” - C. Leaders


Francis Chan Can Fix This


“I share the dismay of my trench-buddy, Jordan Standridge, about Francis Chan’s new bedfellows, which include Benny Hinn, Todd White, and others in the lunatic fringe of the charismatic plutocracy….But I’m not quite ready to ‘farewell’ him.” - Cripplegate


Farewell Francis


“I think it is time to say that Francis has shifted so far that he has embraced false teachers and has disqualified himself from the benefit of the doubt. That does not mean that he is a false teacher, nor that he is beyond repentance.” - Cripplegate
