Who Believes in the Prosperity Gospel?


“There are two questions that tap into some of the basic tenets of prosperity theology. To what extent did you read the Bible to learn about attaining wealth or prosperity? To what extent did you read the Bible to learn about attaining health or healing?” - Ryan Burge


Syncretism: Don’t Mix Prosperity Heresy with Evangelism


“a growing number of church attendees in the U.S. are embracing prosperity gospel teachings as if they reflect genuine Christianity. The study compares beliefs to a similar study in 2017 and shows several alarming trends.” - Lifeway


Pastors in $5,000 Sneakers


“I recognize that the stated motive for the megachurch ministers will be evangelism, trying to make the unchurched think that by wearing cool clothing, they are creating the impression that Christianity is cool. But…” - Cranach


The Poverty of the Prosperity Gospel


“I personally have been ushered out the back door at healing services, after being publicly chastised. Many other disabled people have experienced similar treatment under the assumption that if you’re not healed, it’s your fault. ‘Because God’s will is for everyone to be healed. Always. The faithful will never suffer.’” - C.Leaders


How the Bible’s Irony Combats the Prosperity Gospel


“There are two kinds of biblical or theological irony. There is retributive irony whereby God punishes people by the very means of their own sin. There is also redemptive irony whereby the faithful appear to be cursed, but as they persevere in faith, they are really in the midst of being blessed.” - G. K. Beale
