Tom Schreiner on Andy Stanley and "Unhitching" the Old Testament
Tom Schreiner: Commenting on Andy Stanley’s new book arguing that Christians must “unhitch” from the Old Testament, Schreiner disagrees and argues: “We must interpret the Old Testament in terms of God’s progressive revelation in his covenants in order to discern how to apply it today.”
I’ve followed Stanley’s madness from afar over the months. At it’s heart, it seems Stanley’s argument is (1) a bastardized, inbred form of a dispensationalism, (2) mixed with a healthy dose of evidentiary “mere Christianity-style” apologetics, and (3) an even larger dose of confusion.
I should probably get Stanley’s book.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
….Andy Stanley is a genius who is showing us a fresh look at the faith, or he’s a snake whose cleverness is going to be Hellfire for a lot of those who hear him. Either way, Spurgeon’s old admonition to speak plainly comes to mind…..and Tyler, you’re more of a glutton for punishment than I am. :^)
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.…
This is a rebuttal of Andy’s more recent article in Relevant magazine with regard to Christians wanting to post the Ten Commandments. This author apparently is a Catholic who uses a Catholic source to answer Stanley’s false position.…
The typically serene Atlanta skyline suddenly transformed into a scene out of a horror film Tuesday morning, as an enraged, 600-foot-tall Andy Stanley went on a rampage of destruction through the city, crushing every church of less than two hundred members he could find.