Christian College Under Fire for Turning Away Gay Student Who Only Needed 6 Credits to Graduate
“Campbell applied to be re-enrolled at the school this fall so that he could finally finish his last six credits and earn a degree 15 years after he left the university and eventually joined the U.S. Navy.” - Christian Post
There’s a statement from Clark’s Summit Univ. on the matter, but as far as I know it has only been distributed via email. I don’t want to post until they have made it fully public somewhere.
But it looks to me like, as usual, the media and the former student are using language that conflates “being a homosexual” with “living a homosexual lifestyle”/”engaging in homosexual sex.”
The school cannot knowingly admit students who intend to violate its long-standing sexual ethics requirements.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.…
A university attorney provided the following statement:
“No Supreme Court, Third Circuit, or Middle District of Pennsylvania court has reinterpreted Title IX’s ban on sex discrimination to reach sexual orientation.
Clarks Summit University is eligible for the religious exemption Congress created when it passed Title IX. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, which enforces Title IX, has stated that “[a] n institution’s exempt status is not dependent upon its submission of a written statement to OCR.”
The U.S. Department of Education no longer publishes a list of institutions that have sought the exemption — LGBTQ advocates have warned that not making the list public would encourage more discrimination against queer students. In February 2017, the Trump administration rescinded Title IX guidance related to discrimination of transgender students.
Neighboring Lackawanna College, a private college in Scranton, has reached out to Campbell to try to help him complete his degree there, the Times-Tribune reported. It wasn’t immediately clear whether he had accepted the offer.
“We wish Mr. Campbell all the best. CSU values education and we are pleased that he has found a college to help him continue his educational pursuits,” Clarks Summit said in a statement.