Sale of former Clarks Summit University pending


“Officials announced the university, previously named Baptist Bible College, would close last summer amid financial struggles and declining enrollment. It was listed on the market for $17.5 million in the fall.” - Yahoo News

Also: Sale of former Baptist Bible College is pending - Audacy


Clarks Summit University Announces Closure


“Due to these financial circumstances, Clarks Summit University’s Board of Trustees has made the difficult and painful decision to begin the process of closure. Clarks Summit University, including Baptist Bible Seminary, is unable to offer classes starting in the fall of 2024.” - CSU


Clarks Summit University Furloughs Employees


“While progress is being made, a significant financial gap remains. To cover the gap, we’re following legal advice to put us in the best place moving forward…. this recommended action mandates furlough for CSU employees while the process takes place.” - CSU


Changes at BBS Reflect Growing Ministry Trends


“Baptist Bible Seminary’s enrollment has stayed strong over the years, and today, over 90 percent of BBS students choose to study online or in short, on-campus modules a few times per year. …Based on current national trends and future projections, this model of seminary education only promises to grow.


It's Official: "Clarks Summit University"


“The unanticipated name adjustment process was in response to the threat of legal action from a religious organization in Montana. Trustees and university leadership worked through attorneys to come to an amicable agreement to modify the name and satisfy trademark requirements.”
