Does the Gospel Depend on a Young Earth?


“Scripture plainly teaches that salvation is conditioned upon faith in Christ, with no requirement for what one believes about the age of the earth or universe. … people sometimes assume then that it does not matter what a Christian believes concerning the supposed millions-of-years age for the earth and universe.” - Ken Ham


What Is the Most Compelling Scientific Evidence of a Young Earth?


“In the several years since we initially received this question, young-earth creationists have produced many new materials….We have updated the answer with newer resources that will be of interest to those, like Tony, with questions about apologetics, intelligent design, and good resources to share with skeptics.” - AiG


Responding to Matt Walsh on Young-Earth Creation


“The battle is over two different interpretations of the exact same evidence. Walsh claims creationists must look through scientific literature and cherry-pick what they like” -AiG


Is the Seventh Day 24-Hours Long?


“Old Testament scholar and old-earth creationist C. John Collins argues that the lack of the refrain ‘evening and morning’ on the seventh day is a reason not to understand it as an ordinary day and therefore “makes us question whether the other days are supposed to be ordinary in their length.’” - AiG


A Response to “Talking Science as Christians”


“On June 5, 2018, a self-described Christian and professor of chemistry published a provocative blog post titled ‘Talking Science as Christians.’ The author, ‘RJS,’ under the guise of offering advice from a career in science, took young-earth creation (YEC) to task and sharply rebuked it.” AiG
