Worship Wars- Catholic Style


“In many parishes, she said, pop songs and the modern hymnody inspired by them have all but replaced traditional hymns and, heaven forbid, ancient chants and actual Catholic anthems.”
See Terry Mattingly’s column.


A Tozer Tribute


“I take from Tozer’s ministry three great burdens: the importance of the pursuit of God, the antagonism between worship and entertainment, and—the major premise of his entire ministry—the truth that our knowledge and belief about God is the most important thing about us. It defines who we are, it determines what we do and it ordains what we love.”
More here.


On proper attire for church


Phil Johnson:
“To a certain extent, our attire in church reflects our attitude toward the significance of corporate worship and the holiness of the One whom we worship, and we ought to give some thought to that fact when we decide what to wear.”


Good Question


“Are we able to rest solely on the simple elements of worship God has given to us for worship like preaching, praying, singing, the ordinances, and Scripture reading, without the building, the organ, the drum set, the worship choruses, the trendiness, the children’s ministry, the youth or singles activities, AWANA, VBS, and everything else?”
