Trump and Obama Share Friendly Exchange at Carter’s Funeral
“The event was a rare glimpse into the lives of presidents away from politics.” - TAC
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“The event was a rare glimpse into the lives of presidents away from politics.” - TAC
“Perceptions of how Trump’s first term will be regarded have improved considerably” - Gallup
“dozens and dozens of stories were posted to recount and evaluate the presidency of Jimmy Carter, who had traveled from the U.S. Navy to the work of a peanut farmer to Georgia governor to the White House, most noting that he was quite effective as a former president while his four years as president were evaluated less favorably.” - Baptist Press
“Trump’s cabinet is shaping up to be deeply loyal—and deeply reckless.” - Persuasion
“Reagan covers all the greatest hits of the Republican’s life and career, with no famous line or episode left out. The movie is based on the Grove City College academic Paul Kengor’s book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism” - National Review
“Biden’s announcement has garnered a wide range of reactions…” (Mohler, Huckabee, French, et al.) - CPost
“The FBI has said that while its investigation suggests Crooks acted alone, it would continue to look into whether the kitchen worker had received help.” - BBC
“President Joe Biden opened the debate with a raspy voice and disjointed, rambling answers, reigniting Democratic concerns about his age and ability to take on former President Donald Trump.” - Politico
“To this day, it’s hard for any patriotic American not to get choked up when watching the speech, when Reagan says, ‘These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war.’” - National Review