California transgender fund scrapped


California Family Council “and other pro-family groups distributed copies of Wall Street Journal reporter Abigail Shrier’s new book, Irreversible Damage, to state lawmakers on the committee.” - WORLD


New Netflix Show Features 9-Year-Old Transgender Character


“The child was born male and named Joseph. At just 5 years old, the young Texas native’s parents insisted their child was actually a transgender girl and should be allowed to use the girls’ bathroom. Joseph now identifies as a female and goes by the name Kai Shappley.” - FaithWire


The sad, intolerant legal campaign against Christian baker Jack Phillips continues


“On Thursday, Phillips and his attorneys … asked a state court to dismiss a case brought against them not by the state of Colorado, which after years has seemingly given up on persecuting the Christian baker, but by an angry transgender lawyer and activist now pursuing him for declining to make a cake explicitly celebrating gender transition.” - W. Examiner


Gender Transition Surgeries in a Global Crisis


On “the test of the real world”: “Contemporary gender ideology not only fails this test by failing to deliver the green grass on the other side of mutilating surgery, but in a way made even more obvious in this time of crisis.” - Breakpoint
