Supreme Court sets legal standards for online rants
“A U.S. Supreme Court ruling last week upset many people who thought the court rewarded a man who frightened his ex-wife with his social media postings.” WORLD
Everyone is scared
The human race has deep underlying fears about technology and the lives their children will lead
“There’s this increasing fear of technology, information technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, 3-D printers, the internet and all these different forms”
Are Christian Podcasts Replacing Church?
“Podcasts have become such a phenomenon among Christians that some are starting to worry: If listeners can just download ‘church’ and partake on their own time, will they still feel the need to belong to an actual church?”
How Perversion Becomes 'Normal'
Things like tax breaks and fiscal advantages are by and large a smoke screen. Their true goal is for us to move past toleration to approval, and they know this can only happen by changing the normalcy fields so what might once have seemed perverted and strange strikes us as simply one more lifestyle choice. - Salvo