Humanity Isn’t a Problem to Solve: Technology Needs a Telos


“In the biblical account of reality, humans exist to glorify and love God, and to serve as His special representatives and co-rulers in creation. Human inventions should help towards achieving those ends, extending our abilities, and mitigating the effects of the Fall.” - Breakpoint


AI Will Shape Your Soul ...But how is up to us.


“It’s been nearly a year since the research lab OpenAI quietly introduced the demo version of ChatGPT to the public… Google’s Bard and Meta’s open-source Llama 2, craft poetry and plays, write songs, and solve logic problems. Chatbots are now generating emails for marketers, code for developers, and grocery lists for home cooks.” - CToday


Christians Shouldn’t Fear AI


“behind many of these questions is a general unease or fear of the unknown. We simply want to address some biblical principles that may guide developing answers while confronting lurking fears about this new and complex technology.” - TGC


Mark Ward interviews author Samuel James regarding book ‘Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age’


James on civility: “Offline, if you open the door to someone else’s house, enter her living room, and start yelling at her, you may be arrested, and few people would feel sorry for you. But on the internet, starting arguments with total strangers, for no apparent reason, is normal. In fact, we almost expect it.” - By Faith We Understand


Digital Resistance: Three Habits for the Internet Age


“The bad news is that the thought patterns of the web are so embedded into modern life that we cannot effectively avoid them. The good news is that the same responsiveness to the power of habit that makes online addiction so powerful also makes analog resistance effective.” - Desiring God


Will There Be Technology in Heaven?


“It’s a narrow view of both God and humans to imagine that God can be pleased and glorified with a trumpet but not a desk, computer, or baseball bat. Will there be new inventions? Refinements of old inventions? Why not?” - Randy Alcorn


Christian unity, Internet, and ‘context collapse’


“The Internet leads to ‘context collapse.’ It places into a space that is intrinsically faceless and lacks geographic borders. That space generalizes language and thought, ignores the very real differences between people and places, and pushes us toward highly generic ways of speaking and thinking.” - 9 Marks
