Barrett confirmed; SBC leaders focus on prayer


“Barrett was given the constitutional oath by Justice Clarence Thomas Monday night at an outdoor ceremony at the White House. Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the judicial oath to Barrett Tuesday (Oct. 27), the Supreme Court press information office announced Monday evening.” - BPNews


Justices Alito and Thomas' sharp criticism of the Supreme Court for Obergefell


“Thomas wrote that the 5-4 majority in a 2015 case had ‘read a right to same-sex marriage’ into the Constitution, ‘even though that right is found nowhere in the text.’ And he said that the decision ‘enables courts and governments to brand religious adherents who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman as bigots.’” - C.Leaders/AP


SBC's Moore and Floyd welcome Barrett nomination


“Southern Baptist leaders Russell Moore and Ronnie Floyd commended President Trump’s nomination Saturday (Sept. 26) of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.” - BPNews


‘A different kind of lawyer’: Amy Coney Barrett on Christian vocation


“For Barrett, the true distinction of Christian work comes down to where our sights are set. ‘No matter how exciting any career is, what is it really worth if you don’t make it part of a bigger life project to know, love, and serve the God who made you?’ she asks.” - Acton


The Supreme Court Vacancy & the Pro-Life Cause


“…the prospect of a conservative, pro-life Supreme Court has thrown pro-abortion liberals into a panic. In the hours after Justice Ginsburg’s death, record donations poured into the Democratic party, to the tune of $71 million. Both the pro-abortion and the anti-abortion sides are describing the Supreme Court vacancy as pivotal to their cause.” - Veith


Trump's new Supreme Court list: The good and the bad


“…while there are some excellent names on Trump’s expanded list — Kyle Duncan of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is particularly impressive — there also are some people who may be impressive people but who aren’t legitimately ready for, or of the right legal background for, the Supreme Court.” - Hillyer
