The Supreme Court has another chance to defend free speech


“[T]he more recent case of Aaron and Melissa Klein may present the court with an opportunity to provide clarity and guidance to businesses … on the fundamental question of whether they may operate in accord with their deeply held convictions or be forced to abandon their First Amendment rights when they enter the marketplace.” - W.Examiner


Kavanaugh hearings open, abortion draws spotlight


“When opening statements finally got underway, Feinstein said the question is not whether Kavanaugh believes the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision legalizing abortion is ‘settled law’ but ‘whether you believe it is correct law.’ She expressed concern with Kavanaugh’s dissent earlier this year from a decision by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ordering the Trump administration to grant abortion access to a pregnant immigrant teen in the U.S. il


More Than 100 Civil and Human Rights Groups Demand Senate Reject Kavanaugh


“More than 100 civil and human rights groups wrote a letter to the Senate on Tuesday demanding that Congress reject Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The letter was headed by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, which has over 200 member groups, and was signed by over 100 groups.” - NReview


Why Catholics and Jews dominate at the Supreme Court


“Kavanaugh’s inclusion on the court would preserve the Catholic majority, with six justices reared and formed in that tradition. (Neil Gorsuch attends an Episcopal Church but grew up Catholic and attended the same Catholic high school as Kavanaugh.)” - RNS


Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Is Brett Kavanaugh, Another Religious Liberty Defender


“The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission president Russell Moore said that he was confident that Kavanaugh would be a ‘strong defender of the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, especially our First Freedom of religious liberty.’” - CToday

