God Wants the Blame for Climate Change


“According to the left, humans are to blame for the spread of racism, COVID-19, Ida, and the disaster in Afghanistan. According to the right, those same problems can also be ascribed to humans (though normally different)… . one thing we can all agree on is that our problems are human problems with natural causes.” - TGC


Let’s Talk about Compatibilism


“Most simply defined, it is the belief that determinism and free will are compatible. That is, it is possible to believe in both without contradiction.” - Roger Olson


Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?


“The prayer of His people is one of the means He uses to bring things to pass in this world. So if you ask me whether prayer changes things, I answer with an unhesitating ‘Yes!’” - Ligonier


If God Did It, It Must Be Good. Right?


“If Nick’s death was not a lapse in God’s sovereignty, it was also not a lapse in his goodness. If there was no moment in which God stopped being sovereign there is no moment in which he stopped being good—good toward us, good toward Nick, good according to his perfect wisdom. God can’t not be good.” - Challies


Steady as the Seasons Change


“In an unsteady world, the seasons can bring ballast. God’s creation is like that. It’s a steadying, sublime resource for sanity in an insane world—if we can only turn off our devices long enough to avail ourselves of its gifts.” - TGC


Does Belief in Divine Sovereignty Deter Prayer?

Some Christians think that a belief in God’s absolute sovereignty discourages a healthy prayer life. In reality, though, God’s sovereignty provides us with some of the greatest motivations to pray. I’d like to highlight just two of those motivations from Proverbs 21:30-31:

There is no wisdom and no understanding and no counsel against the LORD. The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the LORD.


God Provides Through the Miraculous and the Mundane


“Our help comes from the Lord. Whether it’s manna in the desert, money from an inheritance, or an encouraging phone call from a friend at the right time, God always provides.” - F&T
