The small-church pastor search


“In my experience, the search process usually takes longer for smaller churches. With limited financial resources, most small churches cannot provide a full-time compensation and benefits package for their pastor and his family, which often requires the pastor to serve in a bi-vocational capacity.” - BPNews


Why the minichurch is the latest trend in American religion


“Cornerstone is part of the fastest-growing group of congregations in America: the minichurch. According to the recently released Faith Communities Today study, half of the congregations in the United States have 65 people or fewer, while two-thirds of congregations have fewer than 100.” - RNS


5 Ways to Improve Your Small Congregation’s Singing


“Do they hate these songs? Are they bad singers? Am I singing out of tune? … The church was newly established and small in number, and—to put it kindly—the singing in our gatherings was uncomfortable.” - TGC


“Rural churches and the folks who attend them aren’t forgotten.” (They're neglected.)


“To say rural pastors and rural congregations are forgotten is probably less true than to say rural churches and pastors (and really, small churches and their pastors everywhere) are often underrepresented and underutilized in denominational leadership and overlooked by Christian publishers and conference organizers.


SBC launches initiative for churches of 75 or smaller


“Being the only staff focuses conflict on just the pastor. Bivocational pastors have to deal with time and conflict management in ways that large church pastors often do not. Holding two or even three jobs has its own challenges.” - BPNews


Should Young Pastors Prefer a Large or Small Church?


“Theodore Cuyler took on this question in his book How To Be a Pastor…. His answer is straightforward, his reasoning compelling. It is worth considering today. ‘I answer unhesitatingly, the small church.’ …He offers a three-pronged defense of his position.” - Challies


When your best members leave the church


“Most pastors will not be pastoring growing churches. Admit it. We think success is a growing church and failure is a shrinking church. Sometimes those are true. More often not, I believe.” - Thornton


12 Small Church Guidelines for Gathering Again


“I’ve tuned into many webinars and read many articles on this topic, but the majority of them seem to address re-entry from a large church perspective. But as a small church, our situation is different. How can we safely re-enter? Here are some guidelines I hope will be helpful.” - F&T
