U.S. megachurches are getting even bigger as smaller churches close


“The average Christian congregation…[has] just 65 members, about a third of whom are age 65 or older, according to a 2020 pre-pandemic survey. By contrast, a separate 2020 study found that three-quarters of megachurches were growing, many at a rapid clip.” - NPR


“ ...we see a move back to smaller church gatherings”


“…the majority of churchgoers do attend larger churches. So, we understand the objection….We would rather partner with smaller churches to help them reach more people rather than assume they don’t have the capability to grow.” - Thom Rainer


What Small Churches Teach Us About Meaningful Membership


“… the members know one another. … I know every member. I’ve learned where he grew up, her vocation, his joys and sorrows, which of her kids has wandered from the Lord. So when we break for a time of fellowship, we’re actually having fellowship.” - TGC


Is Church Growth Desirable or Dangerous? Yes.


“If we are in a small congregation, we ought to rejoice in our close fellowship, in the ordinary work of God lived out with the people whom God has placed us among. At the same time, we ought to see growth as a good gift and as a blessing when the Lord brings it.” - Ref21


5 Things I Love About Rural Ministry


“After a few years of pastoral ministry, I realized I didn’t fit the mold of a typical church planter, much less an urban one. Rural ministry, on the other hand, suits me just fine. What do I love so much about ministry in a small place?” - TGC


Little Church, Big Faith


“There are plenty of challenges for small congregations, but they also bring unique strengths.” - CToday
