Every Church Should Be a Sending Church
“Inevitably, the issue of church size enters the discussion. They say things like, “We’d like to do more, but we’re just a small church.” … Sometimes, comments about size serve as a cover for different concerns.” - Lifeway
Why Small Church Pastors Can Drive a Revival of Discipleship
“Church growth strategies have been tough on small church pastors…. But a small church pastor is uniquely positioned to drive a revival of discipleship in ways that larger churches and celebrity pastors simply cannot replicate.” - Church Leaders
The New Mid-Size Church Advantages
“Fifteen years ago, I wondered if mid-size churches might go extinct…. The mid-size church is still here, and I’m glad I did not publish my thoughts. Now, they have several growth advantages in North America.” - Sam Rainer
Even Small Churches Can Plant Churches
“We have learned that we don’t have to be a big church to do something great for the Lord….We constantly remind ourselves that church planting is not about the mother church’s seating capacity but its sending capacity.” - GARBC
‘Rise Up, O Men of God!’
It has often been noted that—tempted as we as preachers might be—we can never preach to the crowd that is not present. This column might be a bit unusual, then, as one might say that it is presented for the person who will never read it. At least in the case of the written word, however, it can be posted for all to see—and share.
Why the Size of Your Church Doesn’t Matter . . . but Then Again, Why It Does
“I strongly believe that church size doesn’t matter, but I also just as strongly believe that church size does matter. I know that’s contradictory, but…” - Chuck Lawless
Are All of Our Shrinking Churches Evangelistic Failures?
“Are Christians evangelizing less, leading to a decline in church membership? Or is the decline a result of rejecting pragmatic ecclesiology and shallow views of conversion?
The Undeniable, Irresistible Resilience of the Small Church
“Small churches have always been and will always be the most common, most resilient and most adaptable expression of the body of Christ.” - C.Leaders
Small Church Academy about enlisting pastors for big impact
“The Small Church Academy launched a year ago through the Bivocational & Small Church Leadership Network (BSCLN) with three cohorts. Those cohorts – small groups of up to 10 members…. Eight are currently meeting.” - BPNews