The Joys and Challenges of Being a Guest Speaker (Part 5)

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We’ve been looking at some practical issues related to being a guest speaker in a local church. These concepts have been examined with a view toward encouraging those who are involved in some type of itinerant ministry—as well as those who receive them into their churches.


The Joys and Challenges of Being a Guest Speaker (Part 4)

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Receiving a call to be a guest speaker in a new church can be a wonderful experience! But, of course, being the guest often means that you will be traveling to get there.

In this article, I will deal with a pair of extremely practical, connected subjects that must be considered by any itinerant minister—the places we stay and the things we eat.


The Joys and Challenges of Being a Guest Speaker (Part 3)

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It’s always a great privilege to speak in a new church, but it’s a privilege that also requires precise preparation!

As I have written previously in this series, I strive to ask the following questions before I go into a church to speak for the first time:


The Joys and Challenges of Being a Guest Speaker (Part 2)

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Being a guest speaker in a local church congregation is a great honor, but there can also be some very real complexities that accompany such an opportunity. How should we as preachers handle these challenges?

I shared in the first installment that I always try to ask the following questions before I go into a church to speak:


The Joys and Challenges of Being a Guest Speaker (Part 1)

I’ve had the privilege of speaking in many different churches—not only in these nearly five years of serving as a church ministries representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, but also for a number of years in which I did a great deal of pulpit supply. This includes ministering for more than 13 years with a home missions board, IMI/SOS International.
