Is Pro-Life only about abortion?


“We are told that being pro-life requires us to adopt very particular views on contestable issues like environmental, criminal justice, social welfare or immigration policies. This argument often fails at a basic logical level, but worse, it often neuters the moral case against abortion and is used by enemies of the church to prove the church’s purported hypocrisy.” - American Reformer


An Immoral Proposal: A Case Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research (Part 1)

In the eighteenth century, an Irish minister by the name of Jonathan Swift wrote a powerful satire, entitled, “A Modest Proposal.” In the most serious language, Swift suggested that Irish babies be sold for food, and that their skin be used as a kind of soft leather. As a result, there would be fewer mouths to feed, more food to go around, and a new industry that would create many jobs. This was his ‘modest’ proposal. In reality, Swift did not intend what he was recommending.


Viability Is No Way to Judge a Human Life


“As the Supreme Court hears arguments on abortion law, bad rulings should get tossed out for good. So should the ‘surviveability’ standard.” - CToday
