The Crime of Assisted Suicide


“despite the well-meaning intentions of the Canadian government, a dystopian nightmare has followed in the wake of assisted dying with no end in sight. To make matters worse, Canada’s program has expanded to other nations.” - Providence


Assisted Suicide Advances in UK’s House of Commons


“The House of Commons approved the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill in a 330 to 275 vote among the MPs. However, it has not been enacted yet. The bill will face additionally scrutiny in parliamentary committees and future amendments may also be proposed” - Daily Citizen


Trueman on the Ethics of IVF: Human Through and Through


“While I do not deny the humanity of the child born by IVF or surrogacy, the procedures do. The child in the womb is treated not as a person but as a thing, not as a subject but as an object, not as intrinsically valuable but as having value only as instrumental to some other end.” - Carl Trueman


Suicide Pods and the Trivialization of Death


“Our modern Promethean aspirations are not merely marked by Frankenstein’s desire to play God in the creation of life. We have taken on the role of God in the bringing of death as well.” - Carl Trueman
