Barna reports declining church attendance, Bible reading, volunteering among "born agains"
Study: Born-Again Christians Have Become Complacent“Barna Group clarifies the ‘born-again’ category as comprised of people whose beliefs characterize them as born-again and not based on people calling themselves ‘born-again.’ This group is now at 41 percent of all Americans, an increase of six percent since 1991.”
Poll: “If God exists, do you approve or disapprove of its performance?”
“I felt an approval rating for God would be an interesting silly question as polls on God almost always ask what one’s beliefs are, not how good a job the deity in question is doing” Most Americans Approve of God’s Job Performance
MacArthur: Grow Up. Settle Down. Keep Reforming. Advice for the Young, Restless, Reformed
“It has been five years since Christianity Today published Collin Hansen’s article titled ‘Young, Restless, Reformed.’ Hansen later expanded the article into a book with the same title (Wheaton: Crossway, 2008). …”
"Chrislam" - coming to a church near you?
“Islam rejects that God came into this world in the flesh. This also tells us that the Christian God, who is Jesus Christ, is not the same as the Muslim god, Allah. It also proves that Allah is a false god.” ‘Chrislam’ - A Spirit of Antichrist
Gallup: "three in 10 Americans interpret the Bible literally, saying it is the actual word of God to be interpreted literally, word for word."
“A breakdown of the Gallup poll reveals that the majority of Americans believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, rather than the actual word of God or a book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts.”
NBC nixes 'Under God' from Pledge
“NBC omitted the phrase ‘under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance during an opening video in its coverage of the U.S. Open golf tournament June 19 and then apologized on-air apparently after receiving criticism.”
"You're not making Christianity better. You're just making rock and roll worse."
Video. An interesting critique of Christian trendiness—in an unexpected place.
What 18-29 year olds want from churches: less judgment, doctrine; more social justice, gay acceptance
PRRI - Doing Church and Doing Justice: A Portrait of Millennials at Middle Church“The young people we interviewed most frequently mentioned being anti-gay and judgmental as key attributes that turned off younger adults about contemporary churches.