Gallup: Church Attendance Has Declined in Most U.S. Religious Groups
“Three in 10 U.S. adults attend religious services regularly, led by Mormons at 67%” - Gallup
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Three in 10 U.S. adults attend religious services regularly, led by Mormons at 67%” - Gallup
“Overall, 49% of U.S. adults say both that religion is losing influence and that this is a bad thing. An additional 8% of U.S. adults think religion’s influence is growing and that this is a good thing.” - Pew
“Globally, the median score on our 10-point Government Restrictions Index rose from 2.8 in 2020 to 3.0 in 2021 – the highest level recorded since we began tracking this in 2007.” - Pew
“Fourteen percent of Muslims say that they are evangelical - it’s the same percentage as Roman Catholics. Even 12% of those identifying as nothing in particulars and Hindus say that they are evangelicals!” - Ryan Burge
“One thing’s for sure. The religious and irreligious landscape in America is changing dramatically.” - Religion Unplugged
Related: ‘Nones’ Have Always Been with Us - TGC
“Nearly three-quarters of Republicans (73%) say churches and religious institutions have a positive impact. Democrats’ opinions are more divided: 45% say their effect is positive, 53% say it is negative.” - Pew
In 2023 data, “28% of U.S. adults are religiously unaffiliated…. That’s marginally lower than our surveys indicated in 2022 and 2021, and identical to what we found in 2020 and 2019” - Pew
“Barna… research found most urban dwellers consider the church as simply ‘a piece of the puzzle’ in dealing with issues like homelessness, poverty, healthcare and racism.” - The Baptist Paper
“13% of U.S. adults say they have become less spiritual over time, while 33% say they have become less religious.” - Pew
“Our culture has moved on, and sidelined this movement. So why did the movement fall apart? Why did it lose its appeal?” - Common Good