Why As Few As 5% Of Americans Attend Church Each Week


“Although 21% to 24% of us say we regularly attend religious services, research tracking people’s actual behavior shows that in fact the number may be as low as 5%. (Regular attendance is defined in the Post article as going to services at least three out of four weeks.)” - Religion Unplugged


Most Scots Now Have No Religion - Census


“For the first time, a majority of people in Scotland say they are not religious….In the 2022 census, 51.1% of respondents said they had ‘no religion,’ up from 36.7% in 2011.” - BBC


The Nones Have Hit a Ceiling


“it has become crystal clear to me now: the share of non-religious Americans has stopped rising in any meaningful way.” - Ryan Burge


Pew research: 9 facts about U.S. Catholics


“About three-in-ten U.S. Catholics (28%) say they attend Mass weekly or more often. Larger shares of Catholics say they pray on a daily basis (52%) and say religion is very important in their life (46%).” - Pew
