Half of Americans Believe in God With No Doubts
“When asked about their confidence in God’s existence, 50% say they know God exists and have no doubts, according to the latest General Social Survey (GSS).” - Lifeway
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“When asked about their confidence in God’s existence, 50% say they know God exists and have no doubts, according to the latest General Social Survey (GSS).” - Lifeway
“74 percent believe in God compared to 90 percent in 2001 …69 percent believe in angels, down from 79 percent in 2001… 67 percent believe in heaven, down from 83 percent” - BPNews
“A new Pew Research Center analysis noted that, in 2022 midterms… But GOP candidates were the favorite among those who attend services monthly or more by more than two-to-one (67%, vs. 31% who voted for Democratic candidates).” - Get Religion
“In a recent Ipsos Global Advisor survey… in nine countries where less than one-third of adults believe in God as described in holy scriptures, Generation Z was more likely to hold these convictions than boomers.” - CToday
“reasons for switching to a new religious tradition or denomination…(56%) say it was because they stopped believing…. 30% indicate they were turned off by the religion’s negative teachings about or treatment of LGBTQ people, 29% say their family was never that religious growing up, 27% say they were disillusioned by scandals” - PRRI
“To identify charismatics, we asked respondents whether they attended religious services where people engage in signature practices and beliefs of Pentecostal and charismatic movements: speaking in tongues, receiving direct revelation from God, divine healing, or receiving a definite answer to a prayer.” - PRRI
“While the margin of error is high with any small subgroup, the results are thought provoking.” - RNS
“In the U.S., 39 percent of respondents expressed the belief….The belief is lowest in Thailand, a largely Theravada Buddhist population, polling at 27 percent.” - BPNews
“among people born in the 1980s, over 40 percent expressed a great deal of confidence in organized religion when they were coming into adulthood…. Now less than 20 percent of these birth cohorts think they can trust organized religion.” - TGC
“Those who changed faith traditions are more likely to believe that ‘the Bible is totally accurate in all of the pictures it presents’ (64%) than those who have stayed with the same faith tradition (47%).” - CPost