Justices order review of Colorado, New Jersey worship limits


“The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered lower federal courts in Colorado and New Jersey to reexamine state restrictions on indoor religious services to combat the coronavirus in light of the justices’ recent ruling in favor of churches and synagogues in New York.” - BPNews


What Will Faith and Politics Look Like Under Biden? Faith Leaders Answer


“If Americans are to have any hope of overcoming our deep polarizations, people of faith must be willing to cooperate with one another where they can, even when they strongly disagree on some issues. So said a panel of four faith leaders, including Dr. Russell Moore, in a webinar Thursday on faith and politics under Biden presidency.” - C.Leaders


Hope for CA Churches: Justices Order Review of Virus Rules


“The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered a lower federal court to reexamine California restrictions on indoor religious services in areas hard hit by the coronavirus in light of the justices’ recent ruling in favor of churches and synagogues in New York.” - CLeaders


Cuomo, COVID and the "Deadly Game"

In the last article, we saw the Court determined public health considerations cannot run roughshod over religious liberty concerns. Justice Gorsuch, who seemed particularly outraged, quipped the Constitution does not take a sabbatical during a pandemic. However, Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan disagree. They wish to continue to defer to Governors and public health orders.
