"Key American freedoms are less fragile than they were even a decade ago. . . . the attacks are still very real."


“I can’t even tell you how many times I saw the same pattern in my legal career. An aggressive university or aggressive government agency would take direct aim at a social conservative client… the university would not only lose, it would also sometimes set a precedent that built the fortress of free speech or religious liberty larger and stronger. ” - David French


Protecting the Common Good Must Include Religious Freedom


“…some U.S. leaders have in recent years been referring to “freedom of worship” rather than “religious freedom.” That might seem unimportant but it is actually very significant. The freedom to worship is the freedom to practice religion in one’s home or house of worship, privately.


Another day in court for Jack Phillips


“Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips went one-for-two in court on Thursday. A Colorado court dismissed one claim brought by a transgender customer who sued Phillips after he declined to design a cake that celebrated the customer’s gender identity. But the court also refused to dismiss another of the customer’s claims.” - WORLD


Thinking About a Pastor in a Canadian Jail


“To answer these questions, I think we need to understand something about how Canadian law works and something about the circumstances of this particular case. When we grasp these matters, I am confident that we will have a good idea how to proceed.” - Don Johnson
