Why I am not a Christian nationalist


“From what I’ve read, there are four or five kinds of Christian nationalists. In a sense, this is mostly why I am not a Christian nationalist.” - CPost


Churchless evangelicals are a bad trend for Christians and for America


“Too many see their religious beliefs as an application of their cultural or political values. They identify as a Republican or as conservative with a set of principles and lifestyles attending that alignment. They then see ‘evangelical’ as another way to describe the same set of values” - W.Examiner


Is America a Christian Nation?


“ ‘In God we trust’ was adopted without much controversy in the mid-twentieth century, as was the addition of ‘under God’ to the pledge of allegiance two years prior.” - Dale Chamberlain


US Catholic bishops’ report to the Vatican shows a church split by politics


“Catholics in the United States are deeply divided over issues as disparate as LGBTQ inclusion, clerical sexual abuse and celebrating the liturgy, according to a summary of consultations carried out in dioceses across the country in recent months as part of Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality.” - RNS


On Misplaced Militance

When the biblical fundamentalist movement was in its heyday, evangelicals often complained that the movement was afflicted with a misplaced militance. It seemed to be at war with fellow believers. Today, some of the same evangelicals are caught up in a misplaced militance of their own.

They’re constantly emphasizing battle against American culture and government.
