Identity or Influence? A Protestant Response to Jonathan Leeman


“Like Leeman, I’m not beholden to the ‘Christian nationalism’ label….I more frequently talk in the language of historic Protestant political thought. And it’s on that basis that I’d like to offer a few critiques of Leeman’s position.” - 9 Marks

(Filing on Leeman’s article here)


What is Government for?


“I don’t think we can deny that government has authority to make regulations to protect life. In fact, it is a significant purpose of government.” - Don Johnson


Neither Quietism nor Triumphalism


Quietism is the tendency to dismiss political affairs as thoroughly evil and to avoid participating in them as much as possible….Triumphalism is the tendency to make political affairs central to the Christian life.” - TGC


Can We Make A Biblical Case for Limited Government?


“…while Jesus is neither a Democrat nor Republican, there are things he taught about morality, the state, and the church which a believer should factor into his political, social, and cultural thinking and practice.” - J.P. Moreland


The Protestant Reformers and the Natural Law Tradition


“Although it is decidedly true that they championed a particular understanding of grace and faith that took issue with their Roman Catholic counterparts, … they assumed the natural law as a part of the fabric of the created order and therein maintained continuity with those across the Reformation divide.” - Public Discourse


A Theology of Free Speech


“Absolute freedom of speech is not a moral right. … there can be no moral right to commit wrong, although there may often be a legal right. And clearly a great deal of speech, expression, and writing is wrong—whether by spreading falsehood, seducing to sin, tearing down the innocent, and much more.” - TGC
