Does the Bible Teach Socialism?
Excerpt from Patricia Engler’s new book, Modern Marxism: A Guide for Christians in a Woke New World - AiG
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Excerpt from Patricia Engler’s new book, Modern Marxism: A Guide for Christians in a Woke New World - AiG
“There does exist a general definition of his Christian realism. It’s a political theory based on three Christian ideas: that we are basically sinful, that we are free because made in the image of God, and that we are called to love God and our neighbor.” - Acton
The United States in particular has always had a moralizing streak that was destined to take on an international bent. This should come as no surprise for a nation founded by the Puritans. - Providence
“politicians have to navigate many competing values among their constituents which means at best we will only get some of what we want. How do we reconcile this with making choices about who we support?” - P&D
“4. The past decades taught us that evangelicals too easily bought into the idea that political leaders can “save” us…. 5. The past decades revealed that evangelicals too often wanted power and prestige more than faithfulness, godliness, and unreserved commitment to the truth of God’s Word lived out in all of life.” - Christ Over All
“Because the Bible teaches that individuals, not the state or some other entity, are accountable for themselves to God, Leland and the Baptists believed in the rights of conscience….They also believed in separation of church and state.” - P&D
“They did not collapse the transcendence of God into the immanence of political exigency. And it was that very concern for the transcendent that made them wise actors in the world of the immanent.” - Carl Truman
“People’s hearts and minds are not changed by politics. But political and social engagement do impact the environment in which we can freely spread the gospel, and that is a stewardship we must honor.” - P&D
By Andrés Reyes
Imagine that the mayor of your town comes to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Imagine you are the one to lead the mayor to Christ. What counsel would you give this new believer as the next steps of obedience in his or her newfound faith in Christ? Many of us would correctly instruct the mayor to attend a good church.
“Of course, we should look over the candidates carefully and prayerfully consider the issues and where they stand, and what kind of character they demonstrate…. Still, we dare not set our hopes on the Republican or Democratic parties or candidates, or Independents, but upon the only One who can save us” - Randy Alcorn