Pastors and sometimes ‘clergy’ in general

A real-time answer to the clergy burnout crisis


“When asked, ‘Have you given real, serious consideration to quitting being in full-time ministry within the last year?’ 29 percent said yes in January 2021. A year and a half later, 41 percent said yes.” - Denison


The Danger of Being a Sermon Critic


“It is better far to listen receptively than to listen critically, to search diligently for every strength while quickly overlooking every weakness… to listen as a broken person than one who is convinced he is already complete” - Challies


Some Reflections on Pastoral Burnout


“Burnout in the ministry almost always involves some specific sin(s) in our lives. In my own experience, the major sin involved in ministerial burnout is pride.” - Ref21


Advice for Retiring Pastors


“The questions these pastors have typically revolve around three issues: how do I prepare my church for my retirement?; what are some major financial issues regarding retirement?; and what do I do after I retire?” - Thom Rainer


How to Recover from a Toxic Church and Bounce Back Even Better


“In some cases, the pastor is the cause of the hurt. In other cases, the people of the church hurt the pastor. Pastors can be responsible for church hurt, but this article focuses on how pastors should respond when experiencing a toxic church culture.” - ChurchAnswers


What a Discouraged Pastor Should Do (Part 3)

(Read the series.)

Here I continue sharing my reflections on how Paul guided Timothy when he was facing discouragement, from the book of 2 Timothy. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 if you haven’t already. I address these to others, but first to myself.
