Mental Illness and Church Discipline: Seven Principles for Pastors
“There are no easy answers here. In thinking about the juxtaposition of mental-health issues and church discipline, we want to be wary of two extremes.” - Desiring God
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“There are no easy answers here. In thinking about the juxtaposition of mental-health issues and church discipline, we want to be wary of two extremes.” - Desiring God
“I’m not suggesting that Chrysostom was always correct or that his advice should necessarily be followed… I simply think it is helpful for present-day believers to hear and consider the ideas of a faithful pastor who loved Christ while living in a very different time and place.” - DBTS Blog
“God calls people to be accountants, medical doctors, and farmers too…. why could God not call a man to be a schoolteacher for twenty years and then redirect him into pastoral ministry?” - P&D
“The pastor study posed six exclusive questions and 11 questions modified from the Harvard wellness project. Of those shared across the two studies, the average pastor score was higher on all but one question.” - Lifeway
“The debate concerns a proposed amendment to the SBC constitution referred to as the ‘Law amendment’ (named after Michael Law, who proposed the amendment)” -TGC
“No matter what he faces in years to come, your early loving care for him will help keep his heart soft. If his first experience is a negative one, on the other hand, he may always be wondering when the proverbial ‘other shoe will drop.’” - Chuck Lawless
“While 14 percent said they were ‘less confident’ in 2022, just 9 percent now say the same. Notably, these numbers are strong among both men (51%) and women (53%), as well as pastors over 45 (52%) and under 45 (50%).” - Barna
“even if they don’t misbehave…if we become more associated with them than we are with the gospel, we dilute, if not destroy, our witness” - Michael Brown
Map data “comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They have been tracking the median salary of clergy for at least the last 25 years and they make that data publicly available for download.” - Ryan Burge
“Seasons of discouragement are inevitable for any gospel minister. It comes with the territory. But I learned something else in 44 years of pastoral ministry: the Lord uses seasons of discouragement as seasons of growth.” - TGC