Lost Innocence: Let’s Give Children a Childhood


“Why do some children’s authors wish to promote sex, orgies, drugs, and violence? Is there not enough such obscenity in our adult culture – our movies, our music, and our books – without letting it ooze over into children’s literature?” - Intellectual Takeout


My ‘Mom Rage’ Is Understandable. But It’s Not Excusable.


“Though it’s largely assumed that mothers have natural, self-giving love for their children (and we do), being a mom does not preclude real, powerful darkness from growing in our hearts. …’Mother rage can change you, providing access to parts of yourself you didn’t even know you had.’” - Christianity Today


CDC: Suicide rate for kids ages 10 to 14 nearly tripled in last decade


“According to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, the suicide rate among 10 through 24-year-olds has increased 56 percent over the last decade as violent deaths (suicide and homicide) continue to be leading causes of death for that age bracket.” - Christian Post


Why We Need a Children’s Book About Death


“Four years ago, Jonny and I wouldn’t have chosen to read this book to our son, either. We certainly wouldn’t have chosen for its story to become a reality in Ben’s world.” - TGC


When You Want to Stay at Home with Kids But Can’t


“Because you would rather stay home with your children—which is a great desire—your work outside of the home may feel more like a ‘have to’ than a ‘want to’ or a ‘get to.’ And that sort of situation can be the breeding ground for contempt and bitterness…So, what can you do about it? I think you have two options.


Whenever a teen's choice “has to do with sex and gender increasingly parents are being left out in the cold”


“Elizabeth Warren has famously compared having an abortion with getting your tonsils out. It’s not a fair analogy at all. Minors always need parental consent for a tonsillectomy, but in many parts of the country, a teenage girl can notify school officials she’s pregnant and walk into an abortion clinic without her parents ever knowing.” - Breakpoint
