No Instagram or TikTok Without Parental Consent


“The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, or Coppa, was passed in 1998 for an internet that is now a distant memory. …It’s time to update Coppa to make it easier for parents to guide their children’s tech use and protect them from harmful content and communications.” - IFS


California drops Aztec prayers from ethnic studies curriculum after parents file suit


“The curriculum included … the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation,’ which invoked five Aztec deities. Although labeled as an ‘affirmation,’ it addressed the deities both by name and by their traditional titles, recognized them as sources of power and knowledge, invoked their assistance, and gave thanks to them.” - CPost


When It’s Parents Versus Teachers, Kids Lose


“Children and teenagers are most likely to thrive when parents and teachers are in alliance. But that alliance is breaking down. Sometimes, that’s because the parents deliberately undermine and oppose the teacher…Other times it’s because the child has a psychiatric diagnosis.” - IFS


Your ‘Fur Babies’ Aren’t Children


“Let’s face it, both marriage and child-rearing are difficult and often arduous tasks that requires more than many are willing to give in today’s hyper-individualistic world.” - Grayson Gilbert


8 Reasons We Have Delayed (Even Further) Getting Our Daughters Phones


“We talk together about the upsides and downsides of constant connectivity, increased technology, and the tool of social media — hoping to include them in the decision. By God’s grace, they both recognize that there are some inherent downsides to growing up on a phone.” - Geiger


The Not-So-Surprising Reason Kids Grow up to Be Atheists


“A new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science shows that the number one predictive factor for an American child becoming an atheist is growing up in a home with little religion or religious activity.” - Lifeway


Teens and Technology


“First, we sought to gain the heart of our kids. If you are not seeking to gain the heart of your child when they are pre-teens, it will be more difficult to do during their teenage years….” - Taigen Joos (HT: P&D)


The Facebook Expose: Four Things Parents Need to Know


“Facebook’s own research confirms what many academic researchers had been saying for years—that for some people, especially teen girls, social media can harm mental health, and that the rise in depression and self-harm among teens since 2010 might be caused by the increasing popularity of social media” - IFS
