If you were curious: Mormonism has really annoyed some left-handed people


“… a talk that President Dallin Oaks gave in Chicago to a group of youth. In his remarks, he said he felt prompted to teach them something of great importance: ‘I had an impression from the Spirit of the Lord to teach something to each of you…. And today, I saw quite a few of the deacons take the sacrament with their left hand.


How persuasive is whistleblower's claim the LDS church is hiding wealth from the IRS?


Monday, “a ‘whistleblower’ who used to help manage the church’s investment portfolio released a series of documents alleging that the church has mismanaged more than $100 billion of charitable donations, including by channeling a portion of that money into for-profit investments on which it has failed to pay taxes.” - RNS


New Mormon policy no longer calls same-sex marriage ‘apostasy’


“While we still consider such a marriage to be a serious transgression, it will not be treated as apostasy for purposes of Church discipline. Instead, the immoral conduct in heterosexual or homosexual relationships will be treated in the same way.” - RNS
