I'm Biased

A Review of the Northwest Baptist Missions Conference

If you have never been to a Northwest Baptist Missions (NBM) Annual Fellowship Meeting, you’ve missed out on one of the most unique, close-knit bands of preachers and their families anywhere in the country. No humbugs. No spiritual charlatanism. It is fellowship with a big capital F. Or should I say “family,” only in all bold letters?


Is There Not a Cause?

This is the question that the King James translators in their interpretation of the Hebrew text placed in the mouth of David in 1 Samuel 17:29. David is basically a kid, “a youth” (1 Sam. 17:33).

But when David saw Goliath, the Philistine giant who had sent full-grown Israelite men scurrying, the lad simply asked, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (v. 26).


World Cup Update: Great Opportunities

Believers at 2006 Fifa World Cup Germany™ hit the streets with the Gospel

The Northland Baptist Bible College men are one won, one tied. They have had many chances to share their faith. Typical of these opportunities was time spent street witnessing in Nuremberg. The day began with rain, but cleared off in time for us to carry out evangelism. “Man, I had a great opportunity!” said Jeff, “I just talked to a university student about the Lord for 45 minutes.


Reaching Out to Homosexuals

Note: Jason Janz asked Don Sands to write a personal testimony in regard to his brother passing away from AIDS. Thanks, Don, for your contribution.

by Don Sands


World Cup Update: Street Evangelism

Believers at 2006 Fifa World Cup Germany™ hit the streets with the Gospel

NOTE: Click on pictures for larger view

The members of the Medals for Glory World Cup Team finished their orientation on Thursday, June 1, with a practice match against each other and against the men of the Erlangen church soccer team. They had a great time getting to know each other.
