The Winsome Missionary

What makes some missionaries such attractive candidates for support?


The Case for Poland

“Stover, are you sure you know what you’re doing? You mean to tell me that my grandkids are going to be ‘Pollocks’?”

That was my father-in-law’s response (himself a missionary in Thailand for more than thirty years) to the news that my family and I were leaving our ministry in Chicago to join a church planting team in Poland. He was joking, of course, but theReagan's Speech reaction was a common one as we prepared to head to the field.


Submissive Christians Proclaim the Gospel

Are people hearing the gospel from us? It is God’s plan for people to hear the gospel from our lips. Romans 10:14 says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” (KJV).


Missions as Church Planting

In The Nick of Time
by Kevin T. Bauder

Historic Baptists agree that the work of missions is the work of planting churches. They derive this conviction from the uniform pattern of the New Testament. When the churches of the New Testament commissioned and sent out a member, it was invariably either to plant churches or to assist someone who was planting churches.


Missions Agencies and Field Councils

In The Nick of Time
by Kevin T. Bauder

The work of missions centers upon the local church. Properly, missionaries are sent out by local churches. Once sent, they are accountable to their sending and supporting churches. Their responsibility is the work of establishing indigenous, self-perpetuating local churches. The local church is indeed the center of missionary enterprise.
